Monday, September 22, 2008

Cannibal Flesh Riot tonite!!!

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There will be a screening of Cannibal Flesh Riot! at The Little Cave bar in Highland Park, CA - Tonight, Monday Sept. 22. Forget the fact that you have to go to work the next morning. The screening starts at 9pm so you can get home plenty early for sleep. Granted, it is a small screen in a small bar with bad speakers, but what better environment for a cheesy film about whiskey guzzling/cigarello puffing ghouls. There is no cover and there will be $3 mystery beers and $5 mystery shots, leaving enough cash in your pocket to buy CFR DVDs, CDs and T-shirts. Not to mention everyone who attends will get a free CFR movie poster. So join me early (I'll be there by 8pm) for drinks and laugh to the insanity that is Cannibal Flesh Riot!.

Be Grim!
Gris Grimly

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